In an August 25 article in the New York Times (”Hear a General, Hug a Sheik: Congress Does the Iraq Circuit,” by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Damien Cave) we learn that the encouraging, but misleading, phrase “Tactical Momentum” is apparently being used by General David Petraeus in his briefings of the many Congressmen making the pilgrimage to Iraq of late. This phrase, or something similar, is likely to feature prominently in Gen. Petraeus’ report this month on the situation in Iraq. That choice of words suggests that a process is underway inside Iraq of expanding and sustainable stability, which would have to involve the resolution of the deep ethno-sectarian rifts that have been tearing that already battered country apart. Gen. Petraeus and others speaking out in support of the current surge also commonly assert or imply strongly that the gains made in recent months in predominantly Sunni Arab areas of Iraq are the direct result of the surge. This simply is not the case.
By far, the gains made in mainly Sunni Arab portions of Iraq, especially al-Anbar province, are the result of rising anger among many Sunni Arabs over the abuses associated with al-Qaeda in Iraq cadres in their midst — resentment that has been building since 2004. This has very little to do with the current surge. Indeed, only around 5,000 additional US troops of almost 30,000 sent to Iraq since the beginning of the surge have gone to al-Anbar because the focus of the surge was the Baghdad area.
Furthermore, this alliance of convenience between US forces and Sunni Arab tribal notables and insurgents is bitterly opposed by the Shi’a-dominated Maliki government and its supporters because there is no desire on their part to have armed Sunni Arabs assemble more freely, acquire still more arms one way or another without US interference, or join local Iraqi security forces in large numbers. In effect, what has been going on is the formation, with US acquiescence, of Sunni Arab militias. Yet, by encouraging and exploiting this phenomenon, American troops, alongside such forces, have dealt severe blows to al-Qaeda in Iraq — perhaps the most encouraging successes in Iraq since 2003.
Nonetheless, those now helping us in al-Anbar and other largely Sunni Arab strongholds remain deeply opposed to the American occupation and fiercely oppose the Shi’a and Kurdish dominated government in Baghdad. This is why one senior American commander working with these elements reportedly has instructed his men not to trust our new best friends. If and when al-Qaeda in Iraq has been crushed, these same Sunni Arabs might well turn once again against the next two parties on their hit list. As a result, we would want to make sure that when that time arrives, we get out of their way as expeditiously as possible. This is almost certainly why General Odierno mentioned recently the possibility of pulling out of some areas in al-Anbar once they are “stabilized” (i.e. made free of al-Qaeda in Iraq).
There should be little reason to fear that once these Sunni Arab elements have defeated al-Qaeda in Iraq that, in the absence of US forces, these elements would invite the terrorists back in. Having betrayed such fanatical jihadists and fought against them alongside US forces, allowing them to return would carry the very real risk of bloody retribution.
Meanwhile, the profound political problems plaguing Iraq, which the surge was supposed to resolve by creating the necessary “space” or security environment, continue unabated. In fact, they appear to be worsening, in part because of the military cooperation between US forces and Sunni Arabs. Additionally, the Iraqi government remains dysfunctional. It is not only unable to pass the benchmarks so earnestly desired by Washington but, in fact, seems unwilling to do so because the idea of providing Sunni Arabs with a greater share of the political and financial pie (so Sunni Arabs will more readily buy in to the political process) is something anathema to many Shi’a and Kurds.
Unfortunately, many political figures across the political spectrum back here in the US don’t understand what is happening in Iraq. Supporters of the Bush Administration believe recent successes relating to Iraq’s Sunni Arabs are the result of the surge and that Iraq can be progressively stabilized by a continued US presence. Many of those on the other side of the political spectrum believe there has not been much success and to the extent there is, any progress would support the Administration’s case for remaining in Iraq.
Neither view holds water. The success in Sunni areas is real, but Iraq’s lethal ethno-sectarian fault-lines remain and opposition to occupation among our new Sunni Arab allies has not waned. The latter almost certainly will demand that we withdraw from their areas of Iraq once we finish helping them destroy the terrorists in their midst.
Consequently, lest we risk renewed resistance in predominantly Sunni Arab areas of the country farther down the road, the US should do just that. This would allow us to pull out of the previously most dangerous portions of Iraq in a more orderly and peaceful fashion. To avoid getting caught in the middle between Sunni and Shi’a, Washington should not wait too long before ordering a withdrawal from the rest of the country too.
Wayne White