
.يولد جميع الناس أحرارا متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلا وضميرا وعليهم أن يعامل بعضهم بعضا بروح الإخاء‎
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Friday, March 12, 2010

Is this Love?

I cant seem to be able to get time these days. But, I have to.

Today is Friday. That is when we shall see whether or not the government in Kenya will be protecting its gay citizens in Mombasa against anti-gay attacks, which are supposed to occur after the Friday Prayers. 1pm today.

But, here is another, very personal development.

First, it would be instructive to read the whole report at LGBT Asylum news.

And, then you get to the bottom of the report, there is this poster.
David Kuria Mbote happens to be the director of Gays and Lesbians of Kenya. He wrote this article in response to some homophobic insult from a priest justifying the lynching of gay people.

And, for this poster, here is my translation of the Swahili above. It is not perfect, but I know I have it right.

Basically, besides the pic of David, with his full names, email address, GALCK phone number, a verse from the bible is quoted. 

'If a man sleeps with another man like he sleeps with a woman, both men have done something extremely bad. It is a must for them to be killed, and their blood shall be on their own heads' 

My swahili fails at the translation of what verse in the bible it is. Something, maybe Leviticus 20:23

Yeah, Isn't this love?

Just hope and Pray David, that you are safe after this kind of hate thing.

And, according to LGBT asylum news, do you want to know what ProjectSee is?

No. They are not Kenyans.
Ugandans? No, they are not Ugandans.
Then where the hell are these guys coming from who are nakedly threatening a poor Kenyan with death? Here is the answer., which is based in Kansas City, is raising funds to 'equip our Kenyan Brothers with Cameras, Banners, Fliers, Posters, Bus Fare; the Tools they Need to STOP Exporting Evil'.

Yes, they are Americans. At least that is what I surmise.

Surely, the Culture Wars, America's Culture wars are here in Africa.

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